How to create tkinter messagebox
While working with GUI for building applications, the message box is an important component.
It enables you to send a confirmation message to the user, a warning, a simple information message, and so on.
For example, after entering data in the textboxes, you press the Save button. After saving the information, it will display the confirmation message that the record is saved successfully.
Similarly, you want to delete a record or file and before that, a warning message box appears that alerts the user for critical action before proceeding.
Python Tkinter library enables us easily creating the message box with various options.
To create a message box of any available type, the following syntax is used:
messagebox.Message(title, message [, options])
Following categories/message box types can be used:
- Information Message box:
- Warning Message Boxes
- Question Message Boxes
See the examples below with various functions (for simple, warning, error, etc.) message boxes.
An example of the information message box
In order to display a message box with text information and an Ok button, you may use the showinfo function/message as shown in the example below:
from tkinter import messagebox messagebox.showinfo("Hello World!","This is simple information message box")
As you execute this program, it will simply display a message box with the title “Hello World”.
An example of error message box
To display a message box with an error sound and icon, you may use the showerror method. See an example below:
from tkinter import messagebox messagebox.showerror("Error Message!","File cannot be deleted!")
Display warning message box example
Similarly, for the warning error message, use the showwarning method.
from tkinter import messagebox messagebox.showwarning("Warning Box!","A warning message here!")
Triggering a message box upon clicking a button example
Before showing you examples of Question message boxes, let us show you an example where we will trigger a message box as you click on the button.
After running the program, click on the “Trigger Info Messagebox” button:
#Example of button command / message box from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox top = Tk() #Setting window size containing button top.geometry("250x150") #Function to call as button is clicked/pressed def msgbox(): messagebox.showinfo("Welcome", "A demo of button with message box!") #Specify button option / command with a function call btn = Button(top,text = "Trigger Info Messagebox", command = msgbox) btn.pack() top.mainloop()
Asking a question in the message box example
For creating a message box with a question and Yes/No buttons, you may use the askquestion method.
from tkinter import messagebox messagebox.askquestion("Asking Question!","Do you really want to exit?")
Writing the code based on clicked button behavior
So which button is clicked/pressed by the user and what to perform based on it?
In the example below, we used askyesno message box (method) and write the code if Yes or No button is clicked.
If the user presses the Yes button, it executes yes_msg() custom function. In this function, we just triggered another info message box that notify the user that you clicked “Yes” button.
Similarly, if the No button is pressed, it executes, no_msg() function. In that function, we displayed another info message box telling the user that the No button is pressed.
from tkinter import messagebox #Functions to deal with User Reponse def yes_msg(): messagebox.showinfo("Yes Response", "You clicked Yes button") def no_msg(): messagebox.showinfo("No Response", "You clicked No button") #Logic to catch whether user pressed Yes or No button if messagebox.askyesno("Asking Question!","Your choice: Yes/No") == True: yes_msg() else: no_msg()
Output when Yes is pressed:
An example of Ok/Cancel message box
Rather than displaying the Yes/No buttons, you may show the Yes/Cancel buttons with a question icon. For that, use the askokcancel method:
from tkinter import messagebox messagebox.askokcancel("Asking Question!","Press Ok to proceed or Cancel to get back!")
Yes/No/Cancel message box example
A message box with the question icon can also be displayed with Yes/No and Cancel options. Use the askyesnocancel method for that purpose:
from tkinter import messagebox messagebox.askyesnocancel("Asking Question!","Your choice: Yes/No/Cancel")