How to Create Bulma Tables

bulma table border

Creating HTML tables with style by using Bulma CSS framework is pretty simple. Not only you may use the built-in table classes for a table with basic style, stripped table, hovering effect, etc. but you may also use the Sass variables for allowing easy customization like table coloring, table background color, header background color, and … Read more

AngularJS / AngularJS 2 Data Table solutions with Demos

angular data tables

The Angular data table solutions In this post, I am going to share a few data table solutions for AngularJS or AngularJS 2+ versions. The data table features include pagination, searching, sorting, etc. The Angular-PagingTable directive The Angular-PagingTable is a simple and easy-to-use solution for AjngularJS projects that enables creating the data tables with pagination. … Read more

An HTML Table Plug-in for Bootstrap: with Sorting, Pagination, Checkbox etc.

Bootstrap table radio

The table in Bootstrap In Bootstrap table tutorial, I showed how you may create simple tables by using built-in classes in Bootstrap framework’s CSS. The demos included using the striped rows, hover state, coloring the rows by using classes like .success and others, and using the custom colors while using Bootstrap classes as well. However, … Read more