Angular side menu with Bootstrap navbar
The ng-bs-navbar is an Angular directive that can be used for creating the navbar based on Bootstrap, as well as it includes a handy sidebar.
The ng-bs-navbar is an Angular directive that can be used for creating the navbar based on Bootstrap, as well as it includes a handy sidebar.
The jw-bootstrap-switch-ng2 is a solution for creating the Bootstrap switches by Angular 2. Learn how to use it easily.
The extended-datetimepicker is a date and time picker solution for the Angular based projects. This is a mobile-friendly component that enables month navigation by swiping the smartphone.
As AngularJS is becoming more and more popular, its third party components that you may use in your AngularJS or Angular2 projects are available in numbers and variety.
The Angular data table solutions In this post, I am going to share a few data table solutions for AngularJS or AngularJS 2+ versions. The data table features include pagination, searching, sorting, etc. The Angular-PagingTable directive The Angular-PagingTable is a simple and easy-to-use solution for AjngularJS projects that enables creating the data tables with pagination. … Read more
The angular-simple-accordion directive will convert any serial DOM elements into an accordion. For example, the
For dynamically adding or removing CSS classes from the HTML elements like div, span, input fields, you may use the ng-class directive.
As Angular directive name suggests, the ng-repeat instantiates a set of HTML or templates for each item in the given collection.
As using the ng-if directive, an expression is given. If the expression evaluates as false, the HTML element is removed from the DOM.
Angular forEach function can be used to perform some action for each item in a given object or array. Learn using with examples.
The angular ng-style directive can be used for applying the CSS to the specified elements of HTML.
In AngularJS, the ng-show directive is used to show or hide the specified elements.
The angularJS ng-change directive, which is used with the input fields like textboxes, textarea, select etc., evaluates the given expression as the value is changed by the user.
The AngularJS ng-click directive enables us to add customized behavior as an element is clicked.