Creating buttons with Python tkinter library
The tkinter is a standard Python interface for developing GUI-based applications in Python.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to create buttons using tkinter.
Creating a simple button example
In this program, we have created a simple button by using tkinter library.
See the program below with a few details that how it works.
Python program:
#Example of button using tkinter from tkinter import * top = Tk() #Setting window size containing button top.geometry("250x150") #Specify button options btn = Button(top,text = "Click Simple Button") btn.pack() top.mainloop()
How did it work?
- First of all, the tkinter library is imported (if you are using Python 3.x). For 2.x you need to use Tkinter (i.e. T in capital).
- We created a Tk object and specified the window that contains the button.
- Then we specified the button option. In that case, we provided caption/text for the button.
Closing the button on click
In the following example, we used almost the same code as above except we added an action (command) as the button is clicked.
Python code:
#Example of button using tkinter from tkinter import * top = Tk() #Setting window size containing button top.geometry("250x250") #Specify button options including close command btn = Button(top,text = "Click to Close", command = top.destroy) btn.pack() top.mainloop()
After executing the above program, as you click on the button, it will close.
An example of various border styles in buttons
The Relief option is used to set the border style of the buttons. The following values can be used for the Relief option:
See the Python program below with all these values and output:
#Example of buttons with different borders from tkinter import * import tkinter top = Tk() top.geometry("200x300") #Creating button with different borders BtnRAISED = Button(top, text ="RAISED Button", relief=RAISED ) BtnSUNKEN = Button(top, text ="SUNKEN Button", relief=SUNKEN ) BtnFLAT = Button(top, text ="FLAT Button", relief=FLAT ) BtnGROOVE = Button(top, text ="GROOVE Button", relief=GROOVE ) BtnRIDGE = Button(top, text ="RIDGE Button", relief=RIDGE ) BtnRAISED.pack() BtnSUNKEN.pack() BtnFLAT.pack() BtnGROOVE.pack() BtnRIDGE.pack() top.mainloop()
Setting the background and foreground colors of the button
In this example, we will set the background and foreground colors of the buttons.
- The bg option is used to set the background color of the button in a normal state.
- The fg sets the foreground color i.e. text color of the button.
For example, bg = “Red” and fg = “White”.
See the example below where we will set the colors of the above example’s created buttons by using these two options.
Python program:
#Example of buttons with foreground and background colors from tkinter import * import tkinter top = Tk() top.geometry("200x300") #Creating button with different borders, foreground and background colors BtnRAISED = Button(top, text ="RAISED / Red", relief=RAISED, bg = "red", fg = "white" ) BtnSUNKEN = Button(top, text ="SUNKEN / Green", relief=SUNKEN, bg = "green", fg = "white" ) BtnFLAT = Button(top, text ="FLAT / Yellow", relief=FLAT, bg = "yellow" ) BtnGROOVE = Button(top, text ="GROOVE / Blue", relief=GROOVE, bg = "blue" , fg = "white" ) BtnRIDGE = Button(top, text ="RIDGE / Orange", relief=RIDGE, bg = "orange", fg = "white" ) BtnRAISED.pack() BtnSUNKEN.pack() BtnFLAT.pack() BtnGROOVE.pack() BtnRIDGE.pack() top.mainloop()
Setting the background/foreground colors on mouse click
Similarly, you may set the button background and foreground color with a mouse click. For that, you may use the following two options:
- activebackground (for button background color)
- activeforeground (for button text/caption)
The following example shows how:
#Example of button active colors from tkinter import * top = Tk() #Setting window size containing button top.geometry("250x150") #Specify button options / active foreground and background colors btn = Button(top,text = "Click for Color Change", activeforeground = "white", activebackground = "red") btn.pack() top.mainloop()
Changing the height and width of the button example
By using height and width options, you may set the button size when using tkinter library.
The following example creates a button bigger than the above examples – both for height and width.
#Example of button height and width from tkinter import * top = Tk() #Setting window size containing button top.geometry("250x150") #Specify button options / height and width btn = Button(top,text = "Custom height & width", height = "7", width = "25", activeforeground = "yellow", activebackground = "green") btn.pack() top.mainloop()
Display a message box by using command option example
The following example shows some action as the button is clicked.
For that, we will use the command option of the button widget and call a function.
Inside the function, msgbox(), we will display a tkinter message box with simple text.
So, click the button to call the function and display the message box.
#Example of button command / message box from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox top = Tk() #Setting window size containing button top.geometry("250x150") #Function to call as button is clicked/pressed def msgbox(): messagebox.showinfo("Welcome", "This is tkinter tutorial!") #Specify button option / command with a function call btn = Button(top,text = "Display message box", command = msgbox) btn.pack() top.mainloop()
Styling the button by color codes
In this example, the background (bg), foreground (fg), activebackground, and activeforeground colors are set by using the color code rather than color names.
For example, #034232.
Besides, we also set the title of the window containing the button, unlike the above examples with the default “tk” title.
Have a look:
#Example of buttons with foreground and background color codes from tkinter import * import tkinter btn_colors = Tk() btn_colors.title("Setting Button position by Grid") btn_colors.geometry("200x300") #Creating button with different colors by codes BtnRAISED = Button(btn_colors, text ="Btn1 / Red", relief=RAISED, bg = "#D70000", fg = "#FFFFFF", activeforeground = "#FFFFFF", activebackground = "#FFA8A8" ) BtnSUNKEN = Button(btn_colors, text ="Btn2 / Green", relief=SUNKEN, bg = "#008000", fg = "#FFFFFF", activeforeground = "#FFFFFF", activebackground = "#804040" ) BtnFLAT = Button(btn_colors, text ="Btn3 / Yellow", relief=FLAT, bg = "#FFFF00", activeforeground = "#000000", activebackground = "#00FFFF" ) BtnGROOVE = Button(btn_colors, text ="Btn4 / Blue", relief=GROOVE, bg = "#0000BB" , fg = "#FFFFFF", activeforeground = "#FFFFFF", activebackground = "#800080" ) BtnRIDGE = Button(btn_colors, text ="Btn5 / Orange", relief=RIDGE, bg = "#FF8000", fg = "#FFFFFF", activeforeground = "#FFFFFF", activebackground = "#408080" ) BtnRAISED.pack() BtnSUNKEN.pack() BtnFLAT.pack() BtnGROOVE.pack() BtnRIDGE.pack() btn_colors.mainloop()
Display buttons in the specified position in a frame/window
The following ways can be used to set the position of the button:
- pack (to display button in the center as in all the above examples)
- grid (specify row and column)
- place (specify x & y positions to display button).
The example below shows the usage of these ways.
By grid option
from tkinter import * pos_grid=Tk() pos_grid.title("Setting Button position by Grid") pos_grid.geometry("450x375") button1=Button(pos_grid, text="row=1,column=0") button1.grid(row=1,column=0) button2=Button(pos_grid, text="row=2,column=2") button2.grid(row=2,column=2) button3=Button(pos_grid, text="row=3,column=3") button3.grid(row=3,column=3) button4=Button(pos_grid, text="row=4,column=4") button4.grid(row=4,column=4) button5=Button(pos_grid, text="row=5,column=5") button5.grid(row=5,column=5) pos_grid.mainloop()
By place option
#Example of button positioning from tkinter import * pos = Tk() pos.title("tkinter Tutorial") #Setting window size containing button pos.geometry("250x150") #Specify button position by place btn = Button(pos,text = "Button Position: Place").place(x=50, y=90) pos.mainloop()