Bootstrap 5 Modal {No jQuery}
The modal element is positioned over everything else on the web page. So, if you have paragraphs, images, videos, etc. on your page.. the modal will be active while all other content becomes passive.
Go through and pick from the Bootstrap 3, 4, 5, Bulma, Materialize, jQuery based Modals Collection to be used in your next or existing project.
The modal element is positioned over everything else on the web page. So, if you have paragraphs, images, videos, etc. on your page.. the modal will be active while all other content becomes passive.
The Bulma modal component enables you to overlay a small element over the website. The modal component may contain any content that is required.
A one stop solution for modals, tooltips, galleries etc. The jBox is a jQuery based plug-in that can be used for creating the tooltips, notices in different places of the web page, image galleries, and modal windows. Just include the plug-in once with its dependency JS and CSS files and start creating different components. See … Read more
The mdl-jquery-modal-dialog is used to create the modal dialogs and loading overlays that use jQuery and MDL (Modal Dialog Lite).
Creating animated modal and popovers with Bootstrap and velocity.js I have covered a number of plug-ins for creating simple and advanced modal windows that are based on Bootstrap framework. You can read by visiting the links below: Creating simple modals by using Bootstrap framework is written here. A nice jQuery plug-in (bootstrap3-dialog) is also covered … Read more
By using the modal component of Bootstrap framework, you may create the modal dialog in your web pages.
Changing Bootstrap 3 modal size properties In order to increase or decrease the modal window height and width properties of Bootstrap, you need to get the modal related classes and use desired values either in the <style> section or in your external CSS file. In either case, you have to use it after the reference … Read more
The ap-full-screen modal is a jQuery-based plug-in that uses CSS3 animations. As the name shows, it is a full-screen modal window where you may present DOM elements like subscription forms, or other informative content.
What is Bootstrap lightbox plug-in? In the Modal component of Bootstrap framework, I explained how you may create useful modal dialogs with different options like buttons and different behaviors. In this tutorial, I will show you creating lightbox based at the modal component. For that, I will use a plug-in that enables us creating lightbox … Read more
In this tutorial, we explain how to create Bootstrap 3 based modals. Live demos are also available at