Materialize Select box

materialize select multiple

The Materialize CSS framework has option to create beautiful looking select box in your web forms. You may create simple select – option that enables visitors selecting an option from the select dropdown.

The Checkbox in Materialize CSS

checkbox disabled

The Materialize has built-in support for creating nicely styled checkboxes in your web forms. The standard HTML checkboxes are plain and boring with simple black border in unchecked and with tick mark in checked states.

Modal Component in Materialize CSS

materialize modal fixed footer

The Materialize CSS has built-in modal component that you may use easily for creating dialog boxes, or presenting important content to the visitors where main content becomes in-active until the modal window is closed.

Materialize CSS Buttons

materialize button colors

The Materialize CSS has specific classes of CSS for creating beautiful looking buttons. You may create normal and large sized buttons simply or with icons (material icons etc) for making message more clear.