List of Generally used Git Commands
This tutorial lists the mostly used Git commands that you may like to Bookmark for the future use.
This tutorial lists the mostly used Git commands that you may like to Bookmark for the future use.
The Git clean command can be used for removing the untracked files. You may remove all files by single command using -f, -d for directories and files..
The Git commit command is used to record the changes in the local repository. For example, you added new files, modified the existing files, removed files
The Git push command can be taken as uploading the content to the remote repository. After adding a feature, making changes or other tasks in the local repository, you may use the push command
Master the art of file and directory removal in Git repositories with these practical examples and explanations.
The merge command is used to join the histories of two or more developments. For example, if your main branch is the master branch and you started working on another branch called feature branch.
The pull command with force option is not available like the push with -flag. However, you may do it by other ways. This tutorial explains two ways of “git push” force.
This tutorial explains how to add a new remote repository, a branch, and file in the remote repository from the terminal (Git Bash).
In this tutorial, the author discusses three ways of undoing the commit in Git. The three ways are using reset, commit with amend and more
In this tutorial, three ways of listing local and remote branches in Git are explained with examples.The branch command with various options can be used.
As we run $ git pull command, the pull command executes git fetch and downloads the content from the remote branch.This is followed by execution of merge operation.
In this tutorial, I will explain how to remove Git branches locally as well as in remote server. You may use –d flag for removing the local branch
If you have multiple branches in your repository then switching from one branch to another is easy. For changing one branch to another use the checkout command as described below. Suppose we have a master and hello-git-branch in our repo. The current branch is master and we require switching to the hello-git-branch. Run this command … Read more
This tutorial shows you how to create new branch in Git (locally and remotely). For details, see the section after the general command below