Bootstrap 5 Form Validation
Bootstrap 5 enables custom styles by using HTML 5 form validation. Besides, you may also provide feedback/tips to the users via browser default behaviors as well as JavaScript.
Find the range of forms; form input fields like HTML select dropdowns, file upload, search boxes, form validation script, checkboxes and much more based on simple, Bootstrap and custom CSS styles.
A number of tutorials/plug-ins use the jQuery functionality.
Bootstrap 5 enables custom styles by using HTML 5 form validation. Besides, you may also provide feedback/tips to the users via browser default behaviors as well as JavaScript.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create floating labels in form elements (textbox, textarea, and select) using Bootstrap 5 framework.
A check allows selecting one or more options from two or more available options in web forms.
A checkbox has default browser behavior. By using Bootstrap 5 classes for checkboxes, you may improve the layout and behavior of checkbox
The select is an HTML element to get the user input in the form of a dropdown list. Most often, the select is used in the HTML form. Bootstrap 5 provides built-in classes to design/style the HTML select for control
In this Forms tutorial of Bootstrap 4 Framework, you can see the online form examples utilizing available classes along with customized forms.
By using the hierarchy-select jQuery plug-in, you may create a dropdown with options in the hierarchy. Normally, the select dropdown displays options in the same order as provided. This plug-in allows presenting the options in a hierarchal way and is implemented with the Bootstrap framework. You have to use a few data attributes to define … Read more
As AngularJS is becoming more and more popular, its third party components that you may use in your AngularJS or Angular2 projects are available in numbers and variety.
The jquery.stepper.basic plug-in Generally, we use the sliders for increasing or decreasing a value for enabling visitors to select a value in a form by mouse drag or using the touch devices. The stepper.basic plug-in works with the input text field and allows changing the value by drag and drop or by fingers in a … Read more
The jQuery dropdown-checkboxes plug-in will turn a Bootstrap select dropdown into the multi-select input button. Learn how.
The SelectAllCheckbox is a jQuery-based plug-in that can be used to allow visitors to check or uncheck all options at one go. If the group of checkboxes contains a disabled checkbox(es) then its state will not be changed. You may add as many checkboxes as you require in the group by using this plug-in. Developer’s … Read more
Turn the ordinary HTML select dropdowns into beautiful menus by using the pretty-dropdowns jQuery plug-in.
The input-masking library enables you making an input field masked with a specific data entry format. Learn how in this tutorial.
In this tutorial, you will see beautiful select boxes that you may use with Bootstrap as well as non-Bootstrap based projects.
The image upload plug-in If you require enabling your visitors to upload image files through web forms and before uploading the image, preview it then img-upload plug-in can be the right choice. The bootstrap-imageupload is a jQuery based plug-in that is implemented with Bootstrap framework. You may also use it independently if your website is … Read more
The intl-tel-input is a jQuery-based plug-in that you may use with any input in your forms that enables users to enter phone numbers.