A mobile friendly (responsive) CSS and JS menu using media queries

CSS menu button

The CSS menu with JavaScript With the fact that mobile searches have crossed the desktop searches, this becomes necessary that your website is mobile friendly. The Google search engine also adds mobile factor as the ranking factor along with the tag in organic search results as: “This website is mobile friendly” (Update: This is showing … Read more

jQuery based Full screen responsive menu: 2 demos

jQuery full screen menu custom

The full-screen responsive menu In certain website designs, you may need to have a full-screen menu that overlaps the entire content that is visible to the user. In this tutorial, a jQuery plug-in is used for creating the responsive full screen menus. The menu, as clicked from the top right, will overlap the visible content … Read more

Create Bootstrap responsive tables by jQuery plug-in

Bootstrap responsive table custom

The jQuery plug-in for responsive tables As using the HTML tables in your web pages, this becomes important to make it responsive so it adjusts to the smaller screens of mobiles so users may go through it easily. In this tutorial, a jQuery plug-in is used for creating Bootstrap-based tables that are responsive. In the … Read more

6 Demos of Bootstrap [3,4,5] Data Tables with Paging, Rows per view and more

Bootstrap data table odd even

The data tables and Bootstrap In the table tutorial of Bootstrap, I showed how you can create simple tables by using Bootstrap built-in classes. In this tutorial, a plug-in is used for creating data tables that have useful features like pagination, sorting, search, etc. Features A user may select how many rows to display at … Read more

A responsive Bootstrap column chart: 3 demos

Bootstrap vertical chart colors

The column chart Presenting information in a graphical format like bar charts, columns etc. is always eye catching and says many words than lots of textual information. In this tutorial, I am going to show you a columns chart that is based on Bootstrap and jQuery. The jQuery part is just a few lines of code … Read more

A Bootstrap responsive carousel template with wow plug-in

Bootstrap wow carousel

The wow carousel template The “Bootstrap wow carousel template” is built by using the Carousel component of Bootstrap along with wow animation. You may use this free template to showcase the product range, services etc. Also, it can be used to slide recent work or portfolio items. Live demo Download code Currently, four images/products are … Read more

Bootstrap 3 Navbar Component

Bootstrap navbar custom

The navbar in Bootstrap Generally, you require a top bar also called the navigation bar or header or top menu in your website that contains main links to the other parts of the website. As using the Bootstrap framework, this is quite easy to create a header menu that contains links or other components like a … Read more

Bootstrap 3 Forms

Bootstrap form-sizes

The Bootstrap framework has classes related to working with HTML forms in your website. By using those classes, you may create forms with default and customized styles quite easily.