How to Add, Remove and Toggle classes by JavaScript and jQuery?

Add, remove, and toggle classes in HTML elements

To add, remove, or update the class(es) attached to HTML elements, you may use jQuery and JavaScript.

The jQuery has addClass, removeClass, and hasClass methods that can be used for adding, removing, or updating the classes.

Similarly, you may use the className and classList attributes of JavaScript, if you do not want to use the jQuery.

See the section below for demos by using jQuery and JavaScript.

A demo of using jQuery addClass method

In this example, a div element with simple text is created without assigning a class initially. As you click the button, the addClass method executes and adds a CSS class to that div element. See the demo and code below:

jquery addclass

The complete code including jQuery, CSS, and markup:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<script src=""></script>











  background: #232F36;










<div id="class_demo">A demo of adding class by jQuery</div>


<button id="btn_cls">Click here to addClass</button>



You can learn more about addClass method of jQuery here.

A demo of jQuery removeClass method

In this example, the jQuery removeClass method is used for removing a class assigned to the div element initially. Click the button to delete the class:

jquery removeclass

The code:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<script src=""></script>











  background: #800040;










<div id="class_demo" class="divclass">A demo of removing class by jQuery</div>


<button id="btn_cls">Click here to remove class</button>




An example of adding a class by using the JavaScript className attribute

In this example, the class is added to the button by using the className attribute of the JavaScript. The button classes are added from the Bootstrap framework, so the reference is included in the <head> section.

You can see, multiple classes are added by using the className attribute. You may add one more class separated by space:

javascript classname

The Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<script type="text/javascript">

    function changeClass()


        document.getElementById("class_demo").className = "btn btn-danger btn-lg";





<h3>Click on the button to add classes by JavaScript</h3>

<button id="class_demo" onclick="changeClass()">Add Class by JavaScript</button>



A demo of removing class by using the className JS attribute

In this example, three Bootstrap classes are applied to the button initially i.e. btn, btn-success, and btn-block. As you click the button, the btn-block class is removed by using the JavaScript classList.remove.

That means the button size will be normal after removing the btn-block class. Have a look:

javascript remove classname

The code for removing a class:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<script type="text/javascript">

    function removeClass()







<h3>Click on the button to remove btn-block class by JavaScript</h3>

<button class="btn btn-success btn-block" id="class_demo" onclick="removeClass()">Remove Class by JavaScript</button>



Using toggle attribute of JavaScript to add/remove a class

You may also use the toggle attribute to add/remove a class in an HTML element. If the class is already assigned, it will be removed, and vice versa.

javascript toggle

The code:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<script type="text/javascript">

    function removeClass()







<h3>Click on the button to add/remove btn-lg class by JavaScript</h3>

<button class="btn btn-info btn-lg" id="class_demo" onclick="removeClass()">Add/Remove Class by JavaScript toggle</button>



A demo of jQuery toggle method

If you are using jQuery, then $.toggle method can be used to add or remove a class in an element. Just like JS, if a class is already assigned it will be removed and vice versa.

jquery toggleclass

The code:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<script src=""></script>











  background: #800040;










<div id="class_demo" class="divclass">A demo of jQuery toggleClass</div>


<button id="btn_cls">Add/Remove class</button>



Author - Abu Hassam

Abu Hassam is an experienced web developer. He graduated in Computer Science in 2000. Started as a software engineer and worked mostly on web-based projects.
Just like any great adventure, web development is about discovery and learning.
The web is a vast playground, and the best adventures are yet to come. Happy coding and exploring! ️