Git Push command

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Purpose of Git Push command

In its simplest definition, the Git push command can be taken as uploading the content to the remote repository.
After adding a feature, making changes or other tasks in the local repository, you may use the push command for uploading these changes to the remote repository (e.g. GitHub) so other team members can see it and may update their project accordingly.

A simple example of using the push command can be:

$ git push origin master

Where origin is the remote repository name (the default name). You may replace it with your repository name that was assigned at the time of creation of the repository.

This is followed by providing the branch name. I used master which you may replace with your branch name.

By using a single push command, you may upload one or all branches by using –all flag. For example:

$ git push origin –all

In the next section, we will go through a simple example of creating a local branch, adding files, and then using the push command to upload the content on the set remote repository.

I will also explain how to use push with –force flag if a simple push command fails for some reason and why you should avoid this – so keep reading.

An example of using git push command

Rather than using the push command straight, the beginners may want to see changing the local repository and then pushing content to the remote repository – with the snapshots.

So, first of all, let us create a remote and local repository. The remote repo is on GitHub website with the name push-tst. Similarly, a local repository is created in a directory named push-test. This is empty at this stage.

I started the terminal (Git Bash) by right-clicking inside the directory and ran the following command:

$ git init

This is followed by setting the remote repository path as follows:

$ git remote add origin

Please change it as per your repository path (as this may be removed later).

I named it as origin, the default for this example.

This is followed by running the git pull command for synchronizing the local repo with remote:

$ git pull origin master

This command downloads the remote repository branch “master” into our local repo.

Git pull remote

Next, I created three text files in the local repository. This is followed by running the git add command under the master branch:

$ git add tst1.txt

$ git add tst2.txt

$ git add tst2.txt

This command should add three created files into the Git index to commit and then push to the remote repository.

After adding three files, I performed a single commit:

$ git commit -m “Work Done – 1”

This resulted in the following output in terminal:

[master 8aac6ed] Work Done - 1

 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)

 create mode 100644 tst1.txt

 create mode 100644 tst2.txt

 create mode 100644 tst3.txt

After the successful commit, we are good to perform a push to the remote repository, so that all these files are available online (to other team members). In reality, those will be code files, images, or any other meaningful objects.

Note: The git push -u command is equivalent to -set-upstream. The -u flag is used to set the origin as the upstream remote in your git config. As you push a branch successfully or up to date, it adds upstream reference.As you push the local branch with git push -u option, that local branch is linked with the remote branch automatically. The advantage is that you may use git pull without any arguments.

Running the push command

As our remote repository name is origin and branch is master, so this would be the command to upload content from the local master branch:

$ git push origin master

The result is:

Git push

You can see, the terminal shows three files along with our remote URL (repository).

If we refresh the remote repository, this should display the files with the commit message as shown below:

Git push command

As we performed single commit for all three added files, so each file is showing the same commit message online.

Pushing multiple branches example

If you want multiple branches at one “push” then this can be done by using –all flag in push command.

For demonstrating that, I am creating three branches on top of the master branch in the local repository. This is followed by pushing to the online repo.

Creating branches locally:

$ git branch br-1

$ git branch br-2

$ git branch br-3

The local repository should contain four branches including the master branch.

You may checkout to any branch and add files, make other changes, etc. before pushing it online.

Suppose, we have done with this and now want to push all these branches by a single command.

Running push all command

$ git push origin --all

The result in terminal:

Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)


 * [new branch]      br-1 -> br-1

 * [new branch]      br-2 -> br-2

 * [new branch]      br-3 -> br-3

If you refresh the online repository, this shows four branches as below:

Git push all branches

Using force push example

First, a point of caution; the –force flag with the push command must be used carefully. It might be considered dangerous, particularly if you are working in a team environment.

The reason is that you might find errors or Git refuses to push your changes made locally while using the simple push command.

This could be due to conflicts with your local and online repo.

For example, in a team environment, a teammate has added a new file or made some changes in the online repository while your local repo is behind that point.

In that case, if you want to push your local repo with new changes by simple push command then it will raise an error.

Under this situation, if you run the pull command with a force flag. For example,

$ git push origin master --force

Then, Git will update the online repository by your local repo. The work done by other teammates may be lost. So, one has to be very careful and you must be sure to use the force flag in the push command.

The example of force push

Anyway, I will show you an example of –force option where an issue is occurring as I simply running the push command.

  • For example, I will call the above developer dev1 and another developer is working on the same repository as dev2.
  • The dev2 pulls the remote repository from the same point where dev1 uploaded in the above example. That is, it contains three text files in the master branch.
  • After downloading, the dev2 added a test.php file for some feature and after completing the task decided to upload on the master branch:
$ git add test.php

The developer makes the commit and pushes the changes to the remote repository:

$ git commit -m “Dev2 added php file”

The result

[master 42884b4] Dev2 added php file

1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

create mode 100644 test.php

This is followed by a push command:

$ git push origin master

The push command went smoothly and updated the remote repository as shown below:

Git push remote

At the same time, the dev1 worked on another file – say text file four (tst4.txt). He added the file and run the commit command locally:

$ git add tst4.txt

$ git commit -m “Added text file 4”

Now, as a file is ready to upload, he runs the simple push command:

$ git push origin master

And the result is:

Git push conflict

The Git rejected the push command as some other is working on the same repository.

Running the git push –force command

The dev1 decided to run the push command with –force flag:

$ git push origin master --force

The result in the terminal is a success:

Git push force

However, as you look at the online repository, the following is the result:

Git push force 2

You can see, the tst4.txt is added while the commit of dev2 is gone. That means the remote repository is updated by the local repository of the dev1.

The example of using other remote name and branch

Until now, we have been using the origin as the repository name and master as the branch name.

In certain scenarios, you may be required to use some other repo name and branch in the push command.

In this example, we will look at how to push changes on some other branches and with different repository names.

The target command for this example is:

$ git push demo1 feature-br

Where demo1 is the same remote repository on Github that I used in the above examples and feature-br is a branch based on the master branch.

For that, I have created another local directory and started Git Bash there. In the Git terminal, run the following commands:

Initialized Git:

$ git init

Adding a repo with the name of demo1:

$ git remote add demo1

So, this is where the name of the repository is set if other than the origin.

Pulling the online repository content

$ git pull demo1 master

After successfully downloading all content by pull command, create a local branch based on the master branch:

$ git checkout -b feature-br

This command is the shorthand for creating and checking out a branch i.e.

$ git branch feature-br

$ git checkout feature-br

After creating a branch, I added a feature file “footer.php” for demo only:

$ git add footer.php

Committing the file into that feature-br branch:

$ git commit -m “Added footer feature by Dev3”

Finally, to the point of executing our target command;

$ git push demo1 feature-br

This results in creating a new remote branch and a commit ahead of the master branch:

Git push branch name

If this branch is clicked, this should display the footer.php file along with other files in the master branch.

Author - Atiq Zia

Atiq is the writer at, an online tutorial website started in 2014. With a passion for coding and solutions, I navigate through various languages and frameworks. Follow along as we solve the mysteries of coding together!