Bootstrap 5 Accordion


Bootstrap 5 Accordion Just like older Bootstrap versions, you may create accordion or collapsible components in your web pages using the Bootstrap 5 framework – without using JavaScript. Why use Accordion? If you have less space on a web page and more content to show then you may create a panel line component that expands … Read more

jQuery RSS Reader plug-in with HTML Presentation

-jQuery rss feed

The jQuery RSS reader with templates If you require using the RSS of your website or a third party and presenting on your website in a better way then you should try jquery-rss plug-in. The jquery-rss plug-in can read the specified RSS feed. You just need to specify the URL where you need to fetch … Read more

A pure CSS based accordion

CSS accordion blockquot

What is CSS accordion? The accordion is the way to present information that generally contains a title and its body contains the content. Normally, it fits the screen size of the users. In the jQuery section, I showed how you can use the jQuery’s accordion plug-in with examples. It uses JavaScript underway and makes the … Read more

jQuery Accordion Plugin

jquery accordion sortable

The accordion plugin in jQuery UI The accordion plugin by jQuery UI is just like tabs plugin that allows collapsible information section on your web page. The accordion plugin is particularly useful if you have long information that can be divided into different sections in a web page. The accordion helps in reducing the space … Read more