Python Reduce Function

Explore the Python reduce() function visually. See the efficiency of cumulative computations on sequences, streamlining your code with this powerful tool.

This is how reduce function works: It will apply the given function of two arguments to the items of iterable e.g. a list, cumulatively.
The items of sequence are entertained from left to right and the function will “reduce” the sequence to a single value.

Python int() function

The int function in Python is used to convert a given value into an integer.The function returns an integer object. The object is constructed from the given string or number. If no arguments are given then it returns 0.

The Bytes Function in Python

The bytes and bytearray are the core built-in types in Python to manipulate binary data. The bytes function returns bytes object which is immutable sequence of single bytes.

The Random Module in Python

Python random

Python makes it quite easy creating the random numbers whether it is the matter of creating random number within a range, integer numbers as well as generating floating random numbers.