JavaScript String Split

Learn how to split strings into arrays with precision using the split() function. The tutorial provides clear examples and practical insights for effective string manipulation in JavaScript.

The split method in JavaScript
The JavaScript split method is used to break a given string into pieces by a specified separator like a period (.), comma, space, or a word/letter.

const commaSeparated = "mango,orange,apple";
const fruitsArray = commaSeparated.split(",");
// Result: ['mango', 'orange', 'apple']

The method returns an array of split strings.

Syntax of the split method

This is how you may use the split method of JS:

string.split(separator, limit)


Parameter Description
separator If you do not specify the separator, which is an optional parameter, the split method will return the complete string.
limit The other parameter is the limit which is an integer value.

It specified the number of splits.

I will show you different uses of the split method with examples in the following section.

An example of the split string with a dot (.) operator

In this example of splitting a string, I am using the dot as a separator.

So wherever dot (.) is found in the given string, the split method will break it and return an array of broken strings.

In that case, I am using the following string:

var src_str = “Sentence 1. Sentence 2. Sentence 3”;

See the split method in action below:

JS and markup:

<!DOCTYPE html>
.divclass {
  background: #3B505F;
  height: auto;
  border-radius: 15px;
span {
    background: #F7FB4D;

<div class="divclass" id="repdemo"> 
<p>Source string: <strong>"Sentence 1. Sentence 2. Sentence 3"</strong></p>

<p id="splitted_string"></p> 

<script type="text/javascript">
var src_str = "Sentence 1. Sentence 2. Sentence 3";
var str_spl = src_str.split(".");
var num;
var display_split_strings = '<p>After executing the split method: <span> src_str.split(".");</span></p>';

for (num=0; num < str_spl.length; num++){
    display_split_strings += str_spl[num] + "<BR>";
    document.getElementById("splitted_string").innerHTML = display_split_strings;



JavaScript split

This is how it is done;

First of all, the string is assigned to a JS variable:

var src_str = "Sentence 1. Sentence 2. Sentence 3";

After that, the string’s split method is used:

var str_spl = src_str.split(".");

This is followed by accessing and displaying the returned array after executing the JS split method. This involved declaring a few variables and using a for loop with length property of arrays:

var num;

var display_split_strings = '<p>After executing the split method: <span> src_str.split(".");</span></p>';

for (num=0; num < str_spl.length; num++){

display_split_strings += str_spl[num] + "<BR>";


Finally, the array elements displayed in an HTML paragraph contained inside the main div:

document.getElementById("splitted_string").innerHTML = display_split_strings;

That’s it.

An example of split without a separator

What happens if no separator is provided while using the split method?

See the code and output yourself where I used the same string as in the above example:

Only this line of code is changed as compared to the above example:

var str_spl = src_str.split();


JavaScript split no seperator

You see, no separator is given and it returned a complete string, still as an array of one element.

A demo of using the limit parameter in JavaScript split string method

  • As mentioned earlier, you may limit the number of pieces of the given string by using the other optional parameter in the split method.
  • In this example, I will break the source string into two pieces by using the limit parameter.

The following JS code is used:

<script type="text/javascript">

var src_str = "Sentence 1. Sentence 2. Sentence 3";

var str_spl = src_str.split("." , 2);

var num;

var display_split_strings = '<p>After executing split method: <span> src_str.split("." , 2);</span></p>';

for (num=0; num < str_spl.length; num++){

display_split_strings += str_spl[num] + "<BR>";


document.getElementById("splitted_string").innerHTML = display_split_strings;



JavaScript split string limit

Splitting a phone number with a hyphen as a separator demo

In this demo, I will use a hyphen separator to split the string, which is a phone number in this format:


See the example online by clicking the links below:


<!DOCTYPE html>
.divclass {
  background: #3B505F;
  height: auto;
  border-radius: 15px;
span {
    background: #F7FB4D;

<div class="divclass" id="repdemo"> 
<p>Phone number to split: <strong>"012-345-6789"</strong></p>

<p id="splitted_string"></p> 

<script type="text/javascript">
var src_str = "012-345-6789";
var str_spl = src_str.split("-");
var num;
var display_split_strings = '<p>After split method: <span> src_str.split("012-345-6789");</span></p>';

for (num=0; num < str_spl.length; num++){
    display_split_strings += str_spl[num] + "<BR>";
    document.getElementById("splitted_string").innerHTML = display_split_strings;



JavaScript split phone

The following line of code is used in the <script> section to split the phone string:

var src_str = "012-345-6789";

var str_spl = src_str.split("-");

A demo of the split method with HTML dropdown

In the above examples, I used hard-coded separators in the split method.

  • In this example, I have used an HTML dropdown to select a separator from the pre-defined options.
  • This includes dot, space, “pieces”, hyphens, and others.
  • After selecting a separator from the dropdown, press the button “Execute split method”.
  • At the click event of that button, a JS function is called to execute the split method.

Complete code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
.divclass {
  background: #3B505F;
  height: auto;
  border-radius: 15px;
#splitted_string {
    background: #F7FB4D;

    border: #2e6da4;
  	font-family: Arial, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica,  sans-serif;
    font-size: 15px;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    letter-spacing: 1px;
    padding: 8px 12px;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: normal;

    border-radius: 4px;
    line-height: 1.5;

<div class="divclass" id="repdemo"> 

<p><label>Select seperator: </label><select id="splitsep">
    <option value=".">Dot (.)</option>
    <option value=" ">Space</option>
    <option value=",">Comma</option>
    <option value="is">is</option>
    <option value="pieces">pieces</option>
    <option value="-">Hyphen</option>
<p><button class="btncls" onclick="splittxt()">Execute split method</button></p>
<p>Source String: </p>
<p id="src_string">"The JavaScript split method is used to break a given string into pieces by a specified separator like a period (.), comma, space, hyphen (-) or a word."</p>
<p id="splitted_string"></p> 

<script type="text/javascript">
function splittxt(){

    var src_str = document.getElementById("src_string").innerHTML;
    var split_seperator = document.getElementById("splitsep").value;
    var str_spl = src_str.split(split_seperator);
    var num;
    var display_split_strings = '<p>After split method:</p>';
    for (num=0; num < str_spl.length; num++){
        display_split_strings += str_spl[num] + "<BR>";
        document.getElementById("splitted_string").innerHTML = display_split_strings;


Sample output:

JavaScript split drodpwn

This is how the JS function executed the code:

First of all, the selected value from the dropdown is stored in a JS variable:

var split_seperator = document.getElementById("splitsep").value;

Also, the source string, this time, is a paragraph text rather than a direct JS string with a hard-coded value.

var src_str = document.getElementById("src_string").innerHTML;

After that, the split method is executed with a selected separator which is followed by a for loop to display the returned array elements:

 var str_spl = src_str.split(split_seperator);

var num;

var display_split_strings = '<p>After split method:</p>';

for (num=0; num < str_spl.length; num++){

display_split_strings += str_spl[num] + "<BR>";


document.getElementById("splitted_string").innerHTML = display_split_strings;

In other scenarios, the source string can be database-driven or from some other source(s).

Author - Atiq Zia

Atiq is the writer at, an online tutorial website started in 2014. With a passion for coding and solutions, I navigate through various languages and frameworks. Follow along as we solve the mysteries of coding together!