VBA Equal and Not Equal to Operators
Equal to and Not Equal to are comparison operators in VBA. These are used to check or compare values. Learn how in this tutorial.
Equal to and Not Equal to are comparison operators in VBA. These are used to check or compare values. Learn how in this tutorial.
How to perform a case-sensitive search using VBA Find function. In this tutorial, we will show how to use MatchCase in the Find function.
By using VBA Columns property, you may Hide/unhide columns in the Excel sheet, Delete specified columns and do more.
VBA InStrRev function (In String Reverse), is just like the InStr function except for it searches the given term from the end of given string.
In VBA, you may get today’s date by: 1- Using Date() function 2- Now() function. Learn how to use these functions with examples.
VBA has a few string functions that is used to remove spaces in strings, or cells of an Excel sheet. Understand how in this tutorial.
VBA Replace function is used to replace a given substring (expression) in the source string.
A two-dimensional array in VBA can be created as follows: Dim arr_2D(1 To 6, 1 To 3) As String. Understand using this with examples!
You may use built-in functions in VBA to generate random numbers. The first function is Rnd(). Learn more about this…
We will show you how to set font color in Excel sheet cells, rows, and columns by using the VBA range object’s Font property.
VBA IsEmpty function is used to check if a cell in an Excel sheet is empty. Learn how to use this with examples in this guide.
VLOOKUP function is used to find things in an Excel sheet by row. VLOOKUP is a sheet function but you may use it in VBA as well.
VBA InStr is a text/string function that is used to search in a string. It returns the first occurrence of the searched text/string.
In this short tutorial, we will show you how to search text in Excel Ranges (Cells, Rows), etc., and then format entire rows.
VBA Split function is used to break a given string. It returns an array of substrings. Learn how with examples.