VBA Columns Property

VBA Columns Insert

By using VBA Columns property, you may Hide/unhide columns in the Excel sheet, Delete specified columns and do more.

Categories VBA

VBA InStrRev Function

VBA instrev cells

VBA InStrRev function (In String Reverse), is just like the InStr function except for it searches the given term from the end of given string.

Categories VBA

Get Today Date in VBA

VBA-today date result in day, full month name and year

In VBA, you may get today’s date by: 1- Using Date() function 2- Now() function. Learn how to use these functions with examples.

Categories VBA

VBA Replace Function

Visual representation of VBA Replace function

VBA Replace function is used to replace a given substring (expression) in the source string.

Categories VBA

VBA IsEmpty Function

Featured image for VBA isEmpty function tutorial

VBA IsEmpty function is used to check if a cell in an Excel sheet is empty. Learn how to use this with examples in this guide.

Categories VBA