VBA Rnd, RandBetween to Generate Random Numbers [1 to 10, 1 to 1000]

Featured image reflecting VBA Random Numbers Functions

How to generate random numbers in VBA

You may use built-in functions in VBA to generate random numbers.

  • The first function is Rnd().
  • It takes an argument which is a numeric expression (optional). For example,
rand_num = Rnd()
  • To generate a random number between two given numbers, you may also use WorksheetFunction’s RandBetween function. For example,
Cells(x, 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(700, 800)
  • The section below shows the usage of these two functions to generate random numbers in VBA.
  • An Excel formula for generating random numbers between two given numeric values by Rnd() is also given below.

A simple example of generating a random number by Rnd()

We assigned the Rnd() function to a variable and displayed it in the message box, without passing a numeric value:

Sub random_ex()

Dim rand_num

rand_num = Rnd()
MsgBox rand_num

End Sub

Sample result as executed program:

VBA rnd simple

Note: If no number is provided, the Rnd function generates the next number in the pseudo-random sequence.

Provide a number greater than zero to Rnd

The Rnd() function generates the next number in the pseudo-random sequence if you provide  a number greater than zero:

Sub random_ex()
Dim rand_num

rand_num = Rnd(25)

MsgBox rand_num

End Sub

A result as we run that code:

VBA rnd numeric

You may learn more about the rules of return values here.

Generate a number between 1 and 10 by Rnd()

Because simply using Rnd() generates numbers less than 1 and greater than or equal to zero.

To generate a random greater than 1 and between two given numbers, you may use the following formula:

Int((upperbound – lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)

Where upperbound is the upper limit and lowerbound is the lower number that you want to generate a number.

The example below generates a random number between 1 to 10 by using this formula:

Sub random_ex()
Dim random_num

'Random num between 1 to 10
random_num = Int((10 * Rnd) + 1)

MsgBox random_num

End Sub

Result as we executed this code:

VBA rnd between 1-10

Writing ten random numbers between 1 to 1000 by Rnd() in an Excel Sheet

  • The program below writes ten random numbers in the Excel sheet.
  • For that, we executed a For..Loop of VBA ten times.
  • By using Rnd() function, we specified 1 to 1000 numbers as follows:
Sub random_ex()

Dim x As Integer

For x = 2 To 11 Step 1

    Cells(x, 1).Value = Int((1000 * Rnd) + 1)
Next x

End Sub


VBA rnd between-1-1000

Will it work for 700 to 800 – a lower number other than 1?

Just to show generating between 700 to 800 (lower bound other than 1), see the result yourself:

Sub random_ex()
Dim x As Integer

'Random number between other than 1
For x = 2 To 11 Step 1

    Cells(x, 1).Value = Int((800 * Rnd) + 700)

Next x

End Sub


VBA rnd between-700-80

So, it does not work.

Let us use another function.

Using Worksheet.Function RandBetween function

You may use the Worksheet.Function’s RandBetween function for generating random numbers as well.
  • For that, let us try the same example as we failed above i.e. generating numbers between 700 to 800
  • That means, our lower bound is not one.
  • So, we will write the values of ten randomly generated numbers to Excel sheet cells (A2 to A11) and see if they remain between 700 to 800 or not.

The code:

Sub random_ex()
Dim x As Integer

'WorksheetFunction.RandBetween - other than 1
For x = 2 To 11 Step 1

    Cells(x, 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(700, 800)
Next x

End Sub


RandBetween 700-800

Cool, it worked!

Author - Atiq Zia

Atiq is the writer at jquery-az.com, an online tutorial website started in 2014. With a passion for coding and solutions, I navigate through various languages and frameworks. Follow along as we solve the mysteries of coding together!