VBA Replace Function

Visual representation of VBA Replace function

What is the Replace function in VBA?

VBA Replace function replaces a given substring (expression) in the source string.


Replace(expression, find, replace, [ start, [ count, [ compare ]]])

In the examples below we will show you usage and explain the arguments in the Replace function.

An example of using the expression, find and replace arguments

Our expression (source string) in the example below is:

“That is good!”
  • We want to find the occurrence of “is” as the find argument.
  • We will replace “is” with “was”. So “was” is our replace argument.
  • Combining these, this is our VBA code where we display the resultant string after using the Replace function.

VBA code:

Sub replace_ex()

Dim Str As String

    Str = "That is good!"

    MsgBox (Replace(Str, "is", "was"))

End Sub


VBA replace example

So, in the above example, we replaced the word “is” with “was”.

The example of using the start argument in the Replace function

You can specify where to start replacement in the source string by using the Start argument.

For example, our source string is:

“This is good”

We specify start = 5 in the example below:

Sub replace_ex()

Dim Str As String

    Str = "This is good!"

    MsgBox (Replace(Str, "is", "was", 5))

End Sub


VBA replace start example output

So returned result was only replaced from the 5th character and returned the remaining string after replacement.

Using the count argument example

If you want to restrict the number of replacements in the source string then use the Count argument.

Consider this string that we will use for our example below:

“COBOL is cool! VBA is good”

We only want to replace “is” with “was” for the first sentence and want to get a complete sentence. See how it is done:

Sub replace_ex()

Dim Str As String

    Str = "COBOL is cool! VBA is good"

    MsgBox "String After Replace = " & (Replace(Str, "is", "was", , 1))

End Sub


VBA replace count

If we had not used Count, the output after using this line:

MsgBox “String After Replace = ” & (Replace(Str, “is”, “was”))


VBA replace count parameter output

Also, notice that we did not provide any value for the Start argument. So, the default value 1 is taken which means start replacing from the beginning of the source string.

Does Replace perform case-sensitive replacements?

The default behavior of the Replace function is case-sensitive replacements. The example below shows this:

Sub replace_ex()

Dim Str As String

    Str = "COBOL was Good! VBA is good"

    MsgBox "String After Replace = " & (Replace(Str, "good", "Awesome"))

End Sub


VBA replace case

So, we wanted to replace “good” with “Awesome” and replacement only done for starting with a small ‘g’.

How to perform case-insensitive by Compare argument

So, if you want to perform case-insensitive replacements, the answer is simple:

Use the sixth argument – Compare

The compare argument has the following possible constant values:

Constant Value Description
vbUseCompareOption -1 Performs a comparison by using the setting of the Option Compare statement.
vbBinaryCompare 0 Use this to perform binary comparisons.
vbTextCompare 1 Used for textual comparisons.
vbDatabaseCompare 2 For Microsoft Access (Windows only).

Our answer is the third constant i.e. vbTextCompare. You may either use it or its value 1.

See the same example as above and now the output:

Sub replace_ex()

Dim Str As String

    Str = "COBOL was Good! VBA is good"

    MsgBox "String After Replace = " & (Replace(Str, "good", "Awesome", , , vbTextCompare))

End Sub


VBA replace case insensitive example output

You can see that both occurrences, irrespective of the case are replaced.

Using the VBA Replace function in Excel cells

Now, as you have seen examples of using all arguments, and hope the function is pretty clear. Let us look at examples of using the VBA Replace function in the Excel sheet.

For this example, we have a number in A3 cell in this format:


We will write the number to B3 cell by replacing the first two dashes with spaces.

See the code and output below:

Sub replace_ex()

Range("B3").Value = Replace(Range("A3"), "-", "", , 2)

End Sub


VBA replace cell example result

Example of replacing in range of cells

  • The example below replaces “-” with space for the range of cells.
  • For that, we created a range of A2:A5 cells and then used a For..Loop to use the Replace function for each cell in the range.
  • In each iteration, we write the replaced value to the corresponding B-column cell:
Sub replace_ex()

Dim rng_replace As Range
Dim x

Set rng_replace = Range("A2:A5")
x = 2

For Each cell In rng_replace

Range("B" & x).Value = Replace(Range("A3"), "-", " ")

x = x + 1

End Sub


VBA replace range

Author - Atiq Zia

Atiq is the writer at jquery-az.com, an online tutorial website started in 2014. With a passion for coding and solutions, I navigate through various languages and frameworks. Follow along as we solve the mysteries of coding together!