VBA Integer Vs Long Data Types

In VBA, there are a few numeric data types that you may use to handle numbers in your applications.

Out of these, Integer and Long deal with signed numbers.

Difference between Integer and Long types

Integer Type Long Type
Integer takes two bytes or 16 bits in memory Long takes four bytes or 32 bits in memory
The default value of the integer is 0. The default value of Long is also 0.
The negative limit that an Integer variable can hold is -32,768. The negative limit for the Long type is -2,147,483,648
The positive possible value is 32,768. The positive limit is 2,147,483,648
Integer provides optimal performance on a 32-bit processor.
If your variables are supposed to store less than the maximum positive/negative limits, then use the integer type. You should use Long types when numbers are too big than the maximum limit of the Integer type.

An example of declaring and using an integer-type variable

In the example below, we will declare an Integer type variable using the Dim keyword.

Dim declares a variable and allocates storage space.

We will not assign any value to the Integer variable and display it in a message box. Let us see the output:

Sub int_long_ex()

Dim num As Integer

    MsgBox num

End Sub


VBA Integer

So, we got zero i.e. the default value.

Assigning values to Integer variables and multiply

We have three integer-type variables.

Assigned values to first two variables and then multiplied both and assigned its result to third Integer variable:

Sub int_long_ex()

Dim num1 As Integer
Dim num2 As Integer
Dim num3 As Integer

num1 = 5

num2 = 100

num3 = num1 * num2

    MsgBox "num1 * num2 = " & num3

End Sub


VBA Integer multiply

Assigning a value greater than the Integer limit

As the limit of the Integer is 32,768, we assigned 17,000 to the Integer variable and multiplied it by 2, and assigned the result to another Integer variable.

See what happens:

Sub int_long_ex()

Dim num1 As Integer

Dim num2 As Integer

num1 = 17000

num2 = num1 * 2

    MsgBox num2

End Sub


VBA Integer overflow error demo

As result is 34000 which is beyond the Integer limit, so it produced an Overflow error.

Getting the memory size of the Integer variable by Len() function

If you provide a variable to Len() function, it returns its memory size:

Sub int_long_ex()
Dim num1 As Integer

num1 = 10500

    MsgBox "Size of num1 = " & Len(num1)

End Sub


VBA Integer size output

You saw, it displayed 2 which is the memory size of the Integer variable.

An example of Long variable without assigning a value

We declared a variable and just displayed it in a message box to see the default value of Long type:

Sub int_long_ex()
Dim lng As Long

    MsgBox "Default value of Long = " & lng

End Sub


VBA long default

Using Long in multiplication example

Sub int_long_ex()

Dim lng1 As Long, lng2 As Long, lng3 As Long

lng1 = 500000

lng2 = 10

lng3 = lng1 * lng2

    MsgBox "Result after Multiply = " & lng3

End Sub


VBA long multiple

Checking the limit of Long variable example

We just assigned one number which is greater than the Long limit to the program below and as executed – it produced the Overflow error:

Sub int_long_ex()

Dim lng1 As Long, lng2 As Long

lng1 = -2147483648#

lng2 = -2147483649#

End Sub

VBA long limits

Getting memory size of Long variable

Again, by using Len() function, we may also get the size of the long type variable.


Sub int_long_ex()

Dim lng1 As Long

lng1 = 350000

MsgBox "Size of Long Variable: " & Len(lng1)

End Sub


VBA long size result image

Author - Atiq Zia

Atiq is the writer at jquery-az.com, an online tutorial website started in 2014. With a passion for coding and solutions, I navigate through various languages and frameworks. Follow along as we solve the mysteries of coding together!