VBA Date Function

An illustration of VBA Date Function for Date Manipulation - Featured Image

Date function in VBA

  • The VBA Date function returns the system’s current date.
  • This is a variant type.
  • It can be used with the format function to get the date in the desired format.
  • We will show this in examples.

An example of using the Date function

We will display the Date in the message box to get the current date:

Sub Date_ex()

MsgBox (Date)

End Sub


VBA Date current

You can see, it displays the current date of the system – in the set format.

Format date in day, full month name, and two-digit year format

  • Using Date() alone might not be as meaningful as you might want to display in your Excel sheet.
  • Now let us have a look at formatting date by using the Date function with Format().
  • So first, we will show you using a Date type variable and assigning it the Date() function and using it in the Format() function.


Sub Date_ex()

Dim Dt As Date

Dt = Date

MsgBox (Format(Dt, "dd mmmm yy"))

End Sub


Date in day, short month name and two digit year example

To get the date with the full month name, use ‘m’ four times.

With a full year like 2021, 2022 etc.

Just adding two more ‘yy’ to the above example and it will get us a year in four digits.

Sub Date_ex()

Dim Dt As Date

Dt = Date

'Four digit year

MsgBox (Format(Dt, "dd mmmm yyyy"))

End Sub


VBA date in full month name example result

Date in yyyymmdd format

Sub Date_ex()

Dim Dt As Date

Dt = Date

'Four digit year

MsgBox (Format(Dt, "yyyymmdd"))

End Sub



Day, Short Month name with four digit year example

Sub Date_ex()

Dim Dt As Date

Dt = Date

'Short Month Name

MsgBox (Format(Dt, "dd mmm, yyyy"))

End Sub


Date-short-month and full year

Short Day name, Short Month, and Full year

Use ‘ddd’ for the short day name as follows:

Sub Date_ex()

Dim Dt As Date

Dt = Date

'Short Day Name, Short Month

MsgBox (Format(Dt, "ddd, dd mmm, yyyy"))

End Sub

Date short day name

Full Day, Short Mon and four-digit year formatting

By using the Date() function with the Format() function, we will display the date in full day name, short month, and four-digit year:

Sub Date_ex()

Dim Dt As Date

Dt = Date

'Full Day Name, Short Month

MsgBox (Format(Dt, "ddd, dd mmm, yyyy"))

End Sub

Date full day name


Author - Atiq Zia

Atiq is the writer at jquery-az.com, an online tutorial website started in 2014. With a passion for coding and solutions, I navigate through various languages and frameworks. Follow along as we solve the mysteries of coding together!