How to Concatenate Strings, Integers, Variables, Cells in VBA

Combining elements in VBA: Visual representation of concatenating strings, integers, and variables.

Concatenation in VBA

In VBA, you may concatenate values, strings, variables, and Excel data by using the ‘&’ operator.

An example of concatenating two string variables

In the first example, we have two string variables.

The task is to combine these two strings and display them in the message box.

VBA Code:

Sub concat()

Dim str1 As String, str2 As String

str1 = "Hello and Welcome "

str2 = "to VBA World!"

    MsgBox str1 & str2

End Sub


VBA concatenate string result

Combining variable with text example

We have one string variable and some text in the message box that is concatenated by using the ‘&’ operator:

The code:

Sub concat()

Dim str1 As String

   str1 = "VBA!"

   MsgBox "Excel and " & str1

End Sub


VBA concatenate text output

Adding a new line as a concatenation between variables

You may also add a new line by using its constant to make the text clearer after concatenation.

The following example uses a new line constant

For adding a new line we used vbCrLf constant.

VBA code:

Sub concat()

Dim str1 As String, str2 As String

   str1 = "VBA is Cool..!"
   str2 = "C# is also not less :)"

   MsgBox str1 & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & str2

End Sub


VBA concatenate newline

Note: You may also use vbNewLine constant instead of vbCrLf.

Concatenating string and integer type variable

Let us see what we get as we concatenate some text, a string variable, and an integer type variable – combined all in a message box:

VBA code:

Sub concat()

Dim str1 As String, num1 As Integer

   str1 = "A String and Integer"

   num1 = 10

   MsgBox str1 & vbCrLf & num1

End Sub


VBA concatenate number and string result

An example of concatenating Excel cell data

In the following example, we will concatenate the data of Excel cells. For that, we have the following sample sheet:

VBA Excel sample concat

We will combine the text as follows:


Sub concat()

Dim Product_name As String, Product_Status As String, Product_Price As Currency

    Product_name = Range("B8").Value
    Product_Status = Range("D8").Value
    Product_Price = Range("C8").Value

   MsgBox "Product Name = " & Product_name & vbCrLf & "Product Price = $" & Product_Price & vbCrLf & "Product Status = " & Product_Status

End Sub


VBA concatenate cells

Concatenating range of cells

You may also specify a range of cells and combine them by using different techniques. One of the techniques is using the For Each loop.

See an example below where we will concatenate “Product Names” from B2 to B7 cells and display all in a MsgBox:

The code:

Sub concat()

Dim SheetRng As Range
Dim cell
Dim concated As String

'Setting the range of cells
Set SheetRng = Range("B2:B7")

For Each cell In SheetRng
concated = concated & cell & ", "
Next cell

'Display concatenated cells

    MsgBox concated

End Sub


VBA Excel cells range

Author - Atiq Zia

Atiq is the writer at, an online tutorial website started in 2014. With a passion for coding and solutions, I navigate through various languages and frameworks. Follow along as we solve the mysteries of coding together!