Tailwind CSS Breadcrumbs Maker

Create Your Breadcrumbs


Breadcrumb Tool Explained

What is a breadcrumb?

A breadcrumb is a navigation aid that shows your location in a website's hierarchy.

How can I change the divider?

Use the dropdown to select a different divider or remove it entirely. The Select Divider has four options: Slash (default), Chevron, None and and SVG Icon.

Text Color for Breadcrumb

The Select Text Color gives a few options to choose the color of breadcrumb’s text. This applies built-in Tailwind CSS classes for colors. For list of all available color, visit the link


How do I copy the code?

Click the "Copy Code" button to copy the HTML of the breadcrumb to your clipboard.

How can I customize the background color?

Select a background color from the dropdown to apply it to the breadcrumbs.

How can I customize text styles?

Use the text color and size options to apply Tailwind CSS classes dynamically to your breadcrumbs.