Python pass statement

Python pass

The Python pass statement is a null operation; nothing happens as pass statement is executed. However, the interpreter reads it and so if placed in functions, if, loops etc. this is taken as a statement.

Python max function

Python max

The max() function is used to return the maximum value for two or more arguments passed to it. If an iterable like a list is passed as an argument, it will return the largest item in the iterable.

Python len() Function

Simplify data analysis in Python with the len() function. Explore how to count elements in lists, tuple, array and more with visual examples.

The Python has a built-in method len() for getting the total number of items in a list. The len() method takes an argument where you may provide a list and it returns the length of given list.

Python input vs raw_input function

Python input

The Python 3 input function enables us to take the user input from the keyboard. As a line of code containing the input function executes, the user will be prompted to enter the required information.

Filter Function in Python

Explore the Python filter function through visual. Learn to selectively filter elements from iterables.

The filter function is used to build an iterator (a list, tuple etc.) after taking an iterable and a function as parameters. The built iterator contains only those items that returned as true after passing to function.

Python Lambda Function

An infographic providing a visual guide to understanding Python lambda functions. Learn how to create and use anonymous functions in Python for concise and efficient code. The examples cover using lambda with map() and join() as well.

The nameless or anonymous function can be created by using the keyword lambda. These are small functions that you may use when function objects are required.

Python map() Function?

A visual guide illustrating how the Python map() function works. Learn how to apply a function to one or more iterables (lists, tuples, set etc.) producing a new iterable with the results. Understand the concept of functional programming in Python.

The Python map() function is used to apply a function (custom or built-in) to each item of one or more iterables (lists, tuples, set etc.). The map returns iterable e.g. a list after applying the given function – yielding the result.

Python join Method

The Python join method concatenates the string of a given sequence. The sequence can be lists, tuple, range. The elements of a sequence are joined by a given separator e.g. by space, comma, tab etc.

Python Sleep Method

An infographic on the Python sleep method. Explore how to introduce time delays, control animations, and optimize program timing.

The sleep() is a method of time module that enables suspending the execution of current thread for the given time. The time is provided in seconds.