To get the remainder of a division, you may use the VBA Mod operator.
For example:
Syntax of Mod:
The mod takes two numbers:
It divides two numbers and returns the remainder.
We will show you simple as well as examples by taking user input to get the Mod in VBA programs.
A simple example to divide two numbers and display Mod in the message box
Sub Mod_ex() Dim num1, num2 num1 = 50 num2 = 12 MsgBox "The remainder is: " & num1 Mod num2 End Sub
Another example of Mod
Sub Mod_ex() Dim num1, num2 num1 = 10 num2 = 2 MsgBox "The remainder is: " & num1 Mod num2 End Sub
A program to tell if a number is even or odd
By using the Mod operator, we can tell if the number is Even or Odd.
As principally, an even number is divisible by 2 i.e. it returns 0 remainder. So, we will write this using VBA logic.
We have an input box that asks the user to enter a number.
This is followed by using the Mod operator in the If statement.
If the remainder is zero, it’s an even number, otherwise Odd. Have a look:
Sub Mod_ex() Dim num, remainder num = InputBox("Enter a Number?") remainder = num Mod 2 If remainder = 0 Then MsgBox num & " = Even" Else MsgBox num & " = Odd" End If End Sub
Outputs as we entered number two times:
Using a Range of cells with Mod example
For this example, we have a range of cells from A2 to C6.
- The A column contains Dividends.
- B column contains the Divisor
- In the C column, we will get the remainder for the corresponding Dividend and Divisor.
VBA code:
Sub Mod_ex() Dim rng_mod As Range Dim x x = 2 Set rng_mod = Range("A2:A10") For Each cell In rng_mod Range("C" & x) = cell Mod Range("B" & x) x = x + 1 Next End Sub
You can see we also use negative values in different cells.
So, we have:
- Positive Dividend and divisor
- Negative Dividend and positive divisor
- Negative Dividend and negative divisor
You can see the result for Mod on each.