VBA Split – How to Break a String

An illustration depicting the process of splitting strings in VBA programming

What is Split function in VBA

  • The Split function is used to break a given string.
  • It returns an array of substrings.
  • A delimiter can be specified e.g. dash, comma, dot. Default is space
  • You may also limit the number of splits.
  • The returned array is one-dimensional.
  • Its index starts at 0.
  • The examples below show its usage in VBA as well as Excel data


Split(expression, [ delimiter, [ limit, [ compare ]]])

An example of VBA Split with expression only

We only passed the required argument in the Split function i.e. string to split.

See the code and output:

Sub split_ex()

Dim str_sp As String
Dim arr

str_sp = "VBA is Simple and Cool"
arr = Split(str_sp)

MsgBox (arr(0))

End Sub


VBA split string example result

How did it work?

  • The string is passed to the Split function.
  • It broke the whole string as we did not limit the number of splits.
  • As no delimiter is specified, the string is broken by space.
  • In the message box, we specified the returned array’s zero element. It’s value “VBA” is displayed.

Displaying all elements of the array returned by Split

This time we displayed all elements of the array in the message box. For that, a For..Each loop is used after splitting the string.

VBA code:

Sub split_ex()

Dim str_sp As String
Dim arr

str_sp = "VBA is Simple and Cool"
arr = Split(str_sp)

For Each Item In arr

    sp_str = sp_str & vbNewLine & Item

Next Item

MsgBox (sp_str)

End Sub


VBA split array display

Splitting a string by dash delimiter in an Excel sheet

For this example, we will get the A2 cell text and use it in the Split function.

The text contains dashes.

We will break the text by dash delimiter in the Split function and display the split values as follows:

Sub split_ex()

Dim arr
arr = Split(Range("A2"), "-")

For Each Item In arr

    sp_str = sp_str & vbNewLine & Item

Next Item

MsgBox ("Text after Split: " & sp_str)

End Sub


VBA split dash delimiter example

Limiting the number of splits example

  • In this example, we used the third argument limit in the Split function.
  • We will specify the dash as a delimiter and 2 splits.
  • For the text to be broken, we used the same Excel cell as in the above example:
Sub split_ex()

Dim arr
'Using split with dash and limit 2

arr = Split(Range("A2"), "-", 2)

'Iterating through returned array

For Each Item In arr

    sp_str = sp_str & vbNewLine & Item

Next Item

'display the result

MsgBox ("After Split: " & sp_str)

End Sub


VBA split limit argument example result

You can see, the string is split into two parts only. The second part has a dash.

Using the compare argument in Split

The compare argument allows you to perform a case-insensitive split if you provide a string as a delimiter.

The default split is case-sensitive.

The compare argument has four possible values:

  • vbUseCompareOption
  • vbBinaryCompare
  • vbTextCompare
  • vbDatabaseCompare

By using the third option, vbTextCompare, you may perform a case-insensitive split.

To understand, consider this string:

str = “This is a car. this is a toy. This is good. this is bad. This is awesome.”

We will perform default and by vbTextCompare in the Split function and see the difference in results:


Sub split_ex()

Dim str
Dim arr

str = "This is a car. this is a toy. This is good. this is bad. This is awesome."

'Using split with dash and limit 2

arr = Split(str, "this")

'iterating through returned array

For Each Item In arr

    sp_str = sp_str & vbNewLine & Item

Next Item

'display the result

MsgBox ("After Split: " & sp_str)

End Sub


VBA split compare defaut

By vbTextCompare:

Sub split_ex()

Dim str
Dim arr

str = "This is a car. this is a toy. This is good. this is bad. This is awesome."

'Using split with dash and limit 2

arr = Split(str, "this", , vbTextCompare)

'iterating through returned array

For Each Item In arr

    sp_str = sp_str & vbNewLine & Item

Next Item

'display the result

MsgBox ("After Split: " & sp_str)

End Sub


split compare case example output

As we used “this” as the delimiter, the default compares the value that performs case-sensitive split – it broke only where “this” “occurred.

On the other hand, as used vbTextCompare, it broke string from all instances of “this” or “This”.

Author - Atiq Zia

Atiq is the writer at jquery-az.com, an online tutorial website started in 2014. With a passion for coding and solutions, I navigate through various languages and frameworks. Follow along as we solve the mysteries of coding together!