C++ Float: 7 Examples to Learn


The float is one of the available data types in C++.This is used to store floating point numbers in variables.It’s a numeric literal – in the exponent or fractional form. For example, 10.5.

Find the C++ Array Length

Understanding Array Length in C++: An in-depth guide that explores various techniques to find the length of arrays in C++, empowering programmers to work with dynamic data structures efficiently.

One of the ways to get the length of an array is using the sizeof() operator in C++.

There are other ways that you may use to get the array length:

By using pointers hack
size() function in STL
By using the begin() and end() functions of Standard Library

4 Ways to Swap Numbers in C++


In this tutorial, we will show you how to swap numbers in C++ in the following ways:By using swap functionBy using the temporary variableUsing + and 1 Using * and /

C++ While Loop

Featured image depicting C++ while loop

The While loop is used to execute a block of code until a specified condition is true. Alternatively, you can say, if the execution of the specified code repeatedly is not fixed then we use a while loop.

C++ break Statement: Explained with 5 Programs

A featured image depicting C++ break statement

Purpose of break statement The break statement is used to exit the for, while, do-while loops, and switch statements. As we iterate through a C++ while or for loop and the break statement is executed, the control moves outside of the loop to the next statement (if written). In case of break statement executes inside … Read more