C++ Programs to Add Two Numbers

How to add two numbers in C++

In this short tutorial, I will show you how to add two numbers in C++.

  • First program: Adds two variable values
  • Second Program: User is asked to enter two numbers to get the sum
  • Third Program: Class is used with two functions to add user-entered two numbers
  • and more

1. C++ First program to add to variable values

  1. We have three variables i, j, and sum
  2. Variable i and j are assigned int values
  3. The next line adds the values of variables i and j; their total is assigned to the variable sum.

The code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

  int i, j, sum;

  i = 50;

  j = 75;

  sum = i + j;

  cout << sum;

  cout << "The sum of two numbers = " << sum;

  return 0;



The sum of two numbers = 125

2. Taking user input and adding two numbers program

In this program:

  • We ask the user to enter two int numbers
  • We assigned the entered numbers to two variables i and j
  • The values of two variables are added and the sum is assigned to the variable sum

The code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

  int i, j, sum;

  cout << "Please enter two numbers\n ";

  cin >> i >> j; //Taking user input

  sum = i+ j;

  // prints sum

  cout << "Sum of Two Numbers = " << sum;

  return 0;


Sample output:


3. Adding two real numbers program

The following program adds two real numbers (float) after taking the user input.

  • We declared three variables of float type
  • Ask the user to enter two real numbers
  • Get the sum and display it on the screen

The program

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

  float i, j, sum; //Declaring three float variables

  cout << "Please enter two real numbers\n ";

  cin >> i >> j; //Taking user input for real numbers

  sum = i+ j;

  // prints sum

  cout << "Sum of Two float Numbers = " << sum;
  return 0;


Sample Output:


4. Using a function to add two numbers

Let us add two numbers while tasting how to write a simple function in C++.

  • Again, we will take two numbers as input from the user
  • The numbers are sent to the function (sumFunc)
  • The sumFunc function returns the sum of those two numbers
  • We will finally display the sum of two numbers on the screen

The code:


using namespace std;

int SumFunc(int, int);

int main()


    int i, j, sum;

    //Asking user to enter numbers

    cout<<"Please enter two int numbers: \n";


    //Calling the SumFunc function

    sum = SumFunc(i, j);

    cout<<"The Sum of Two float Numbers = "<<sum;

    return 0;


int SumFunc(int x, int y)


    return (x+y);


A sample output:


5. Using C++ Class to add two numbers

You might get the assignment to write a simple class in C++ for adding two numbers. So, I will show you how you can do it easily.

The code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class SumCls {

  int i, j;


  void enterNum() {

    cout << "Please enter two numbers\n";

    cin >> i >> j;


  void getSum() {

    cout << "Sum of Two Numbers = " << i + j;


int main()


   SumCls m;


   return 0;

A sample of the above code:


So what is in the code?

  • We created a class namely SumCls()
  • A function, enterNum is created in the class to take user input
  • The user entered two numbers that are assigned to i and j variables
  • A second function getSum() is created to add these two numbers
  • We also displayed the sum of two numbers in that function
  • In the main body, we simply called those two functions

6. Sum of two numbers with an array example

In this program,

  • We created an array of three elements
  • The first two elements are assigned two int numbers that we want to get the sum
  • Third element stores the sum of the first two elements
  • We display the result i.e. third element

The program:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   int arrSum[3]; //Declaring an int type array of 3 elements

   arrSum[2]=arrSum[0] + arrSum[1];

   //Display result

   cout<<"Sum of "<<arrSum[0]<<" and "<<arrSum[1]<<" is \n"<<arrSum[2];

   return 0;



Sum of 10 and 20 is
Author - Atiq Zia

Atiq is the writer at jquery-az.com, an online tutorial website started in 2014. With a passion for coding and solutions, I navigate through various languages and frameworks. Follow along as we solve the mysteries of coding together!