How to Create and Access Arrays in Excel VBA

Featured image depicting VBA arrays

VBA Arrays and Excel

In this tutorial, you will learn:

  • How to create arrays in VBA by using different ways
  • Accessing array elements by index
  • One-dimensional and two definitional arrays (using Excel Sheet)
  • A few useful array methods

How to declare arrays in VBA

First Way to create arrays

  • Declare it first by using the Dim keyword like any other variable.
  • Size of the array in parenthesis
  • The data type of the array

For example

Dim arr(5) As String

This will create an array of five elements.

Second way:

Dim arr(2 To 5) As String

So, provide the index position of the elements.

In that case, an array of four elements from 2 to 5 index is created.

An array can also be created as simply as it:

Dim arr

VBA will assign it the appropriate data type and non-fixed size.

An example of creating, assigning, and accessing array elements

In this example,

  • We will declare a string array of five elements.
  • Then we will assign values to elements by index numbers.
  • Finally, we will access the third element value in a message box.

Have a look:

VBA code:

Sub Arrays_ex()

'Declaring an array of five elements starting at 0
Dim arr_colors(4) As String

'Creating array elements

arr_colors(0) = "Black"

arr_colors(1) = "White"

arr_colors(2) = "Red"

arr_colors(3) = "Green"

arr_colors(4) = "Orange"

'Accessing array element
MsgBox arr_colors(5)

End Sub


VBA array simple

The second way of creating and accessing arrays

We are creating an array without specifying the size and data type.

VBA code:

Sub Arrays_ex()
Dim Langs

'Creating an array of four elements
Langs = Array("C#", "Java", "C++", "Python")

'Display second element of the array
MsgBox Langs(1)

End Sub


VBA array without specifying the size and data type

An example of specifying the start and end index in the array

In this example, we are creating an array of fixed size by specifying the start and end index numbers at the time of declaration (as shown in the syntax above).

We will give 2 to 6 index numbers as below:

Sub Arrays_ex()

'Declaring an array from 2 to 6 index
Dim arr_day(2 To 6) As String

'Creating array elements
arr_day(2) = "Tue"
arr_day(3) = "Wed"
arr_day(4) = "Thu"
arr_day(5) = "Fri"
arr_day(6) = "Sat"

'Accessing array element
MsgBox arr_day(2)

End Sub


VBA array index 2

If you provide 0 index then the following error occurs, like arr_day(0) = “Sun”:

VBA array out range

Iterating through each element of the array by For..Each

By using For..Each loop, you may iterate through each element of the array.

In the example below,

  • We have an array of five elements.
  • We will iterate through each array element,
  • and collect its values in a string variable.
  • After the loop ends, we will display all array elements with concatenation and linebreak:

VBA Code:

Sub Arrays_ex()

'Declaring an array of five elements starting at 0
Dim arr_colors(4) As String
Dim CollAll As String

'Creating array elements

arr_colors(0) = "Black"

arr_colors(1) = "White"

arr_colors(2) = "Red"

arr_colors(3) = "Green"

arr_colors(4) = "Orange"

'Message box shows all array items with linebreak

For Each item In arr_colors

    CollAll = CollAll & vbNewLine & item

Next item

MsgBox CollAll

End Sub


VBA array for each

Using LBound and UBound functions to get array length

You may use LBound and UBound functions to get array length as shown in the example below.

Array length of one-dimensional array by UBound function:

Sub Arrays_ex()

Dim arr_colors(5) As String

'Creating array elements
arr_colors(0) = "Black"
arr_colors(1) = "White"
arr_colors(4) = "Orange"

'Display Array Length
MsgBox "Array has " & UBound(arr_colors) & " element(s)."

End Sub


VBA array length

An example of creating a 2D array based on Excel cells

This is how a two-dimensional array is declared in VBA:

Dim arr(3,5) As Integer

Or with “To”

Dim arr_products(1 To 8, 1 To 4) As String

Using Excel sheet to create a 2D array:

Sample Data in our sheet

VBA array excel

VBA Code:

Sub Arrays_ex()

'Creating a 2D array
Dim arr_products(1 To 8, 1 To 4) As String
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer

'Array elements from Excel sheet
For x = 1 To 8
    For y = 1 To 4
        arr_products(x, y) = Cells(x, y).Value
    Next y
Next x

MsgBox "Row = 8 Col = 2 :" & arr_products(8, 2)

End Sub


VBA array cell

Displaying a whole two-dimensional array

Now we will display the whole array in the message box.

For that,

  • We used For..Next (with inner for loop) for assigning cell values to array elements
  • Another for loop is used to iterate through all 2-D array elements.
  • In each iteration, we used concatenations and line breaks for better result display.
  • Product ID, Names, Price, and Status are gathered in a string-type variable.
  • Finally, we displayed the whole array in a message box as shown below:

VBA code:

Sub Arrays_ex()

'Creating a 2D array
Dim arr_products(1 To 8, 1 To 4) As String
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer

'Assigning cell values as array element values
For x = 1 To 8

    For y = 1 To 4

        arr_products(x, y) = Cells(x, y).Value

    Next y

Next x

'Displaying whole array in Message Box

For i = 1 To UBound(arr_products)

   Str_Prods = Str_Prods & arr_products(i, 1) & "            " & arr_products(i, 2) & "    " & arr_products(i, 3) & "        " & arr_products(i, 4) & vbNewLine

Next i

MsgBox Str_Prods

End Sub


VBA array 2D

Author - Atiq Zia

Atiq is the writer at, an online tutorial website started in 2014. With a passion for coding and solutions, I navigate through various languages and frameworks. Follow along as we solve the mysteries of coding together!